02. Newsletter 03.01.2022- I HAD PIZZA IN THE USA

New month, new appointment.Ciao belli! How are you?
March has started. Wait, really? Sometimes I’m still blocked in March 2020! 

Here’s a little – and grateful – letter to February, that surprised me in a bunch of different ways:

-Through YouTube, I got the chance to help a very sweet and intelligent young woman with an assignment regarding Italian culture. What a blessing!
-I made a couple of friends and I also reconnected with an old friend here in the USA
-We tried our first pizza. I cried. It was Italian.
-I started working as Shop Assistant!
-We started designing our next apartment and buying furniture!

My motto has been: Take action. That’s the only way to keep up with motivation.
My first Pizza.
The chef is Italian, Carmine from Naples.
He gifted us a Pizza with Nutella and strawberries, how not to cry. 
I eat it for breakfast.
I felt at home again.

And Carmine told us “go go, go out without paying” (we paid, of course).

Seems a joke. It’s not.

Life gave us our dream apartment (I didn’t dream about it happening in the US). It has everything that we have always been dreaming about and now we have the chance – for the very first time in our lives – to buy furniture and furnish our new home!

It has: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a big kitchen with an isle, 2 entrances, a little balcony and…the garage is right outside the door.  Like I need to walk for 10 seconds to get to the car. In Italy, our car was 8 minutes away from our apartment. Not a big deal, but what a luxury now!!
Ok, so. I watched a couple of videos on Interior Design and even if it feels that I have a Master’s Degree now (LoL, what a fool ahah), I hope that we chose the right color palette. Also because the kitchen and the 2 bathrooms are already furnished with a specific color palette and I don’t want to mess things up.

Also, the only piece of furniture that we own is our mattress. We have 0 experience and we can’t wait to see what is going to happen!

About the mattress: yup, all of our stuff is still on a ship in the middle of the ocean.
And that’s all for the past month from me! Let’s jump into the juicy stuff:
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Podcast suggestions.
My new favorite podcastCulture Cult Travel Show.

This is an interesting podcast that talks about different countries, from different points of view. Belize it or not has been my favorite episode so far. Why? It has helped me understand the history and the roots of a culture and a country that I didn’t know.
And that’s pretty interesting to me! Here in New England the melting pot is really huge and I love knowing people and hearing stories, but it’s better if I know something about their roots too 🙂

A podcast that I recently started listening to againThe Psychology of your 20’s

I wish I had the chance to listen to this podcast in my early 20s but I’m really grateful that I found it. And, since we talk a lot about personal development, I want to share with you an episode about Therapy.
Book suggestions.
I said it too many times. But trust me. Read Atomic Habits

You know that habits for me are really important and, at least for me, that’s the most powerful tool that I use when I want to improve or delete something bad that I do. Why are habits so much important to me? Because I am not consistent.
I struggle with consistency.
I need actions to find motivation.
When I have the motivation I keep up with consistency. 
And the best way for me to take action is by having habits. Simple, right? Nope, I’m still trying to understand how to let some bad habits go, but Atomic Habits helped me a lot and can help you too.

Thank you for being there with me today. See you here in March! Ciao belli!

PS: plan your march! Take inspiration from my video or article 🙂
Do you want to support the project? Offer me a coffee!