Ciao belli!

My name is Giulia, and this is my little corner on the web: The Unplanned Project.

The Unplanned Project is an exercise, it’s the place where I don’t want to have rules (or, at least, I try). I like to blog about the stuff I’m interested in. And if you’re here, you’ll probably find something interesting too.

There’s not a plan. I don’t know when and where I’ll write. But there’s a Why: I adore sharing, I love challenges and I was born to try new stuff. And if you’re wondering…yes, I’m Italian. (You’ll find mistakes in English and that’s ok!) 🙂


Do you want to know something more about the project? Here you can feed your curiosity.

The Unplanned Project


Do you want to read all the articles? Here you can find them!

The Unplanned Project

Reach out

If you want to contact me you can email me at