04. Newsletter 05.01.2023

I never sent you the April Newsletter. I wrote it. But I just never sent it. And I realized it 2 min ago.

This explains pretty well how the past month went…right?
But guess what? May it’s here, I feel energized and ready to press the restart button and master this month!

My motto in April has been: Go with the flow.
Spoiler: the flow brought me to one of the worst weeks I ever had so far. 
🗣️Storytime. I failed and it was the best thing that could have happened.
January was the end of a 7 months process to come to the USA and the starting point of the unknown. The only thing that I knew was that I wanted to embrace every single change.

Being married
Changing Country
Changing 2 jobs
Changing 2 apartments
Changing culture

Embracing everything was a little bit too much, don’t you think? And that’s how April suddenly became my Go with the Flow month. I learned that I want to take care of how I do use my energies and when, but in order to do that I had to use them not so wisely. For example, I didn’t know that working in an International Company in 2 languages a week would have requested most of my energy. And that’s why last week I 

Fun fact? When I wrote April newsletter (the one that I never sent) I wrote:
That’s why I want April to be the month in which I embrace the spring, relax, put my things together and enjoy life.

But for May I’m cooking up something new and I am ready to start this month!

 And that’s all for the past month from me! Let’s jump into the juicy stuff:
Want to check previous newsletters? You can find them here
Podcast suggestions.
I made a video about it.
You can check it out here.

For the first time, many of you asked me more about this podcast’s recommendations, so spoiler spoiler for you, I am going to make an other video in the upcoming weeks to talk about my favourite podcasts for expat people and people interested in cultures in general!
Video suggestions.
ChatGPT. AI.

Everyone talks about it. 
And I am not another person that covers the topic, but I wanted to suggest this video on how  AI tools can help your productivity. If you are a big fan of  YouTube you just need to know that was made by Ali Abdaal. If you are not a fan of the platform, go check out his channel because he is insane!

Thank you for being there with me today. See you here in June! Ciao belli!